Thursday, October 9, 2008

2 months old today

Wow the last 8 weeks have gone by so fast. Aaron is growing and changing every day.

All Smiles!!!

Aaron is now smiling when we talk to him. It just makes your heart melt.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Aaron finally got to meet who he is named after. Aaron Trent and George have known each other for about 16 years and are still good friends. We all had a good time visiting and telling baby stories. Thanks for making the drive to Boise Aaron and Leah.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Weekend in Washington

We went to Walla Walla Washington for the weekend to help Grandpa George move to Boise. While we were there Aaron and I got to spend a lot of time with Grandma Patty. Patty and I had the very hard job of watching Aaron sleep. It was great to spend time with the grandparents. Aaron also got to meet his 3rd cousin Harry. We packed a lot of stuff into one weekend but it was worth it.